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This is the second episode page, again there
is a list and short description of the RD episodes from series 5 to 8. To return to the
first page of episodes click here."
Series 5.
Episode 1 - Holoship
Starbug stumbles across a
Holoship, populated by super intelligent Holograms, they beam Rimmer on board. He
decides that everything he's ever wanted is on the ship and plots to cheat his way onto
the ship. He succeed's but when he finds out that the woman he has fallen in love with
has been deleted so that he could come aboard he makes the ultimate sacrifice and
returns to Red Dwarf.
Episode 2 - The Inquisitor
The Inquisitor is a
time travelling self repairing android who survive's to the end of time and at
discovering that there is no afterlife, decides that the only purpose in existence is to
have lead a worthwhile life. He gives those who never had a chance of life a chance
to The sperms that didn't make it and the unfertilized eggs. He arrives
aboard Red Dwarf and make's the crew justify themselves and their existence. Lister
and Kryten are judged of not having lived worthwhile lives and are placed in limbo.
They have to destroy the Inquisitor before he erase's them from History for
Episode 3 - Terrorform
Starbug, carrying Rimmer and Kryten,
crashes on a Psi Moon which 'Terrorforms' into the landscape of Rimmer's sick mind.
Kryten sends an unusual distress call to Lister and Cat who arrive to save him. Then
they have to go in search of Rimmer who has been captured by the demon's of his
own mind and has been brought infront of the unspeakable one....his own
self-loathing monster.
Episode 4 - Quarantine
Lister, Rimmer,
Kryten and the Cat investigate an abandoned genetic research centre. While they are
looking around they discover a number of stasis pods. When one of them aopen's on
it's own, it releases the hologramatic Doctor Hildegarde Lanstrome who has been
infected with a holovirus. The virus gives her tremendous Psi powers but has driven
her totally insane. After she kills herself, the crew attempt to return to Red Dwarf.
Arriving back on the ship Rimmer puts the rest of the crew in quarantine, but
unknown to him and the crew he has already been infected with the
Episode 5 - Demons And Angels
The Series 4000 Sanitation
Droid Kryten creates a duplicator, capable of making two copies of anything. They
test it out with the last strawberry in the universe. From the two duplicate's one is
divine and the other one is as rancid as Lister's underpant's. They are curious to see
what happens if they throw the machine into reverse, the RED ALERT signs start
flashing and the crew are forced to evacuate Red Dwarf in Starbug. Lister is sure that
it is just precaution and that the ship will not blow up, that is until it does. The crew
seem doomed until they find that just before Red Dwarf blew up it had created two
identical ships.
Episode 6 - Back To Reality
The crew discover a
crashed vessel at the bottom of an ocean moon, the Esperanto. They discover that the
whole crew, including a creature resembling an earth Haddock have committed
suicide brought on by ink from a 'Dispair Squid'. The crew race back to Starbug where
they are chased by the squid and are apparently killed. They wake up and find out that
they have been playing the total immersion game 'Red Dwarf' for the past 4
years. Series 6.
Episode 1 - Psirens
Lister, Cat and
Rimmer have been brought out of Stasis after 200 years after Lister had forgotten
which planet he'd parked Red Dwarf behind. Starbug has been chasing the ship
through space after an unknown lifeform had stolen it. Kryten, has been alone in that
time has detected the Mining Ships vapour trail. The crew decide to take a detour
through an asteroid field. Doing so the crew encounter genetically created life forms
which project false images to try and lure people onto an asteroid to their
Episode 2 - Legion
A tractor beam captures Starbug and
beams it on board a space station. On board the crew meet a life form called Legion
who is is technologically advanced and is able to give Rimmer a Hard Light body,
enabling him to touch and basically making him a human again. The crew try to make
Legion join the crew, but what they don't know is that he want's them to
Episode 3 - Gunmen Of The Apocalypse
The ship
encounters a ship of psychotic killer simulants. Hopelessly over matched, the crew try
to bluff their way out but when their plan fails the ship is boarded and the crew are
rendered unconscious. When they come round they find that the simulants have
upgraded Starbug, so that the 'bug can be some sport and put up a fight. A lucky shot
blows up the simulent ship, but not before the simulants can transmit the Armageddon
computer virus into Starbug's Navicomp. Kryten has no option but to link himself into
the system in order to produce a "dove" vaccine program. Using Virtual reality suits,
the crew link themselves into his dream state where Kryten is a drunken sheriff who
is going up against the Armageddon Brothers.
Episode 4 - Emohawk
Polymorth ll
Starbug is attacked by a space police enforcement drone. The
only way to escape them is to head into Gelf space, an area so deadly and dangerous
that the drone will not follow them in . Checking the damage, they manage to fix
everything on the ship except the Oxygen unit. Arriving on one of the Gelf planets,
the crew manage to arrange a trade, the oxygen unit for Lister's marriage to the chief's
daughter. After the marriage the crew do a runner, but they are soon pursued by an
Emohawk, another form of Polymorph. Due to attacks by this creature, Cat is turned
into Duane Dibbley and Rimmer is turned into what he hates most, Ace
Episode 5 - Rimmerworld
Rimmer is suffering from
stress, a situation which is not helped by the fact that Starbug is quickly running out
of supplies. The crew's only hope is to try and salvage what they can from the a
simulant ship. On board they discover a teleport device which they use to load up
Starbug with supplies. Encountering the last surviving simulant, Rimmer escapes in
an escape pod but is soondrawn into a space vortex and has to spend 600 years on a
planet surrounded by his own backstabbing clones.
Episode 6 - Out Of
Encountering an "unreality" mine field, the crew are subjected to a
series of disorientating events. Kryten mistakes Lister for a 3000 series mechanoid
whilst Cat is temporarily erased from the memories of the crew. Deciding that the
mine field is to keep people away from a ship with a prototype drive, Kryten puts both
Lister and the Cat into stasis for 3 days. They are revived at the centre of the field,
where they discover a ship which has a time drive. Installing the drive in Starbug's
engine bay, the crew are distressed when they receive an SOS distress call from
themselves from 15 years into the future. Their future selves attack Starbug in an
attempt to stop themselves becoming who they are in 15 years time. It ends in a
Series 7.
Episode 1 - Tikka to
During a fight with their future selves the crew were killed, but by
killing their present selves the future crew could not exist, thus the present crew came
back to life at the time before they found the time drive. All the ship's Curry and
Lager supplie's have been destroyed but there was no wreckage or debris in the Food
Bay. The crew use the time drive to go back in time to order 500 Vindaloo's to go, but
find themselve's in Dallas 1963, interfering with the assination of President
Episode 2 - "Stoke Me A Clipper....."
Ace Rimmer has
been fatally wounded. He has to Dimension Jump to an alternate Dimension to pass
on the flame, and guess which one he end's up in? It is not the same Ace which was
last on board, he's now dead and is a Hard Light Hologram just like Rimmer. Lister
has to try and persuade Rimmer to be Ace, after he had turned the opportunity down
because he was busy cataloguing his shoe collection. This is the episode when
Rimmer leaves.
Episode 3 - Ouroboros
Starbug comes across a rip
in the space/time continuum. Flying into it creates a time rip in the cargo hold which
leads to an alternate dimension. Whilst travelling through it the crew meet up with an
alternate version of themselves. The only difference is is that Lister is a Hologram and
they have a woman on board, Kristine Kochanski, Lister's old girlfriend. A Gelf ship
infiltrates non-space and blows the time rip in two, with Kochanski on the crew's side
of the tare. Neither Kochanski or Kryten find this to be a good situation and they
begin to devise a way to get Miss Kochanski back to her own
Episode 4 - Duct Soup
Kochanski tries to come to terms
that she is missing the Dave Lister from 'her' dimension. Life on board is getting her
down and she's tried to fit in by learning what 'Offside' was. The heating system has
gone berserk and Kryten is jealous that Kochanski is going to have a bath in Lister's
quarters. The Generator and it's back up goes down which means the crew have to
crawl around the service ducts to try and restart the engines. The crew find out a few
secret's about Lister and when they find out that they have been knocked off course
and are heading straight into a sun, Kryten has to to make a
Episode 5 - Blue
The tension between Kochanski and
the Crew is rising, and the fact that she keeps moving the Salad Cream from the
Fridge into the cupboard isn't helping herself and Kryten get along any better. Lister
finds that he is missing Rimmer and he start's dreaming about him, but instead of him
being a complete 'Smeg Head' he's a fun, care free Rimmer. Lister just can't bear
throwing anything of Rimmer's away because they remind him of the good times they
had together (The Cat "You had fun with goal post head!! I must have blinked and
missed them"). Kryten create's 'The Rimmer Experience' for anyone who is missing
Episode 6 - Beyond A Joke
Kryten make's a surprise dinner
for the crew to celebrate the anniversary of Kryten's rescue from the Nova 5 but
Kochanski has set up Pride and Prejudice World in the AI suite. Kryten is outraged
and goe's into the game equipped with a blowpipe with poisonous darts and a World
War II tank. When Lister tell's Kryten that the meal he's made need's a pep up the
'noid literally blows his top.
Episode 7 - Epideme - Part 1
The crew
discover a ship (the Leviathan) buried deep inside an ice moon. They go on board,
everyone seem's dead but they are picking up a life source from a a body frozen inside
a block of ice. The person is called Caroline Carmen and was once a member of the
Red Dwarf crew. She is taken aboard Starbug to be thawed. In the middle of the night
she thaws and goes looking for Lister, she is a zombie controlled by a deadly virus.
She attacks Lister and he contracts the Epideme virus. Kryten informs him that there
is no cure and the only way to talk to the 'Intelligent' virus is to talk it out of killing
him. He link's up to the ship's Universal Translator, but is unsuccessful. The only way
now to save his life is to draw the virus into his arm and then have it cut
Episode 8 - Nanarchy - Part 2
After loosing his favorite right
arm, Lister is depressed, and the unsuccessful artificial arm has got him down even
more. The crew go insearch of Kryten's self repairing Nanobots. The last repair they
made on Kryten was back on the SS Esperanto. But they come across something even
more amazing. They find Red Dwarf in a most unusual place and the ship's senile
computer, Holly. The nano's give Lister a helping hand by recreating his
Series 8.
Episode 1 - Back In The Red - Part
The Nanobots have recreated Red Dwarf together with it's original crew,
this is very good news indeed for Rimmer. The Nano's have recreated the ship 10
time's bigger and the Starbug is the size of a fly compared to the ship. Starbug is
sucked into a vent and Red Dwarf start's shrinking. They crash and are arrested.
Lister, Kochanski, Kryten and the Cat face 2 year's in the Brig, unless they can
collaborate their story that the crew were wiped out and were resurrected by the
microscopic robots. Lister asks for Rimmer's help, but he's soon up to his old trick's
by finding the Luck and Sexual magnetism Virus' in Starbug's wreckage, now he's
irresistible to the female crew.
Episode 2 - Back In The Red - Part
Rimmer now has the confidential file's of everyone on board. He start's
acting all knowledgeable infront of the Captain and is asked to lick an envelope,
which is addressed to him. Meanwhile Lister, Kryten, Kris and the Cat are called
infront of the ships officers to hear about how they will stand trial, after which Kryten
is classified as a woman. Rimmer has been invited to dinner with the Captain, and he
douses himself with the 'Sexual Magnetism' virus to make the night go with a swing.
He find's out that the others are in an AR Suite, they have been knocked out by the
drug on the envelopes they had to lick at their trial hearing, they think they are
escaping but they are being observed to see what they do. This is extremely bad news
for Rimmer.
Episode 3 - Back In The Red - Part 3
The Dwarfer's
face two years in the Brig. They plan to escape to prove their innocence, but before
they can leave the Cat has to do a dance for the ground controller with the Blue
Midget as his dancing partner. It also turn's out that Rimmer is in AR and they are
soon revived from the dream state. Will the Dwarfers walk free? or will they be
sentenced to two years in the Brig?
Episode 4 - Cassandra
The crew
have been sentenced to 2 year's in the Brig, so Lister decide's to join the 'Canaries'
believing them to be the Prison Choir, but Rimmer soon tell's him that they are a
battle hardened army who go on suicide missions. The smile is soon wiped of
Rimmer's face when he finds out Lister's signed him up too, together with Kryten,
Kris and the Cat. Their first mission is to go aboard a ship at the bottom of an ocean
moon and find out why it has no crew, what they find instead is a computer that can
see the future.
Episode 5 - Krytie TV
Kryten tell's the male inmates
that he has been classified as a woman and has to shower monotonously with the
girls. Kill Crazy kidnaps Kryten and reprogram's him. The 'noid start's up his own
Pirate TV station and replaces the Wednesday night film with Girl's Shower
Episode 6 - Pete - Part 1
The crew go in search of a missing
Canarie battalion. They have been frozen in time by a Time Wand which Kryten
smuggle's on board. It can freeze anyone or erase their memories. Lister and Rimmer
keep being called infront of the ship's Captain and are ordered to take on the Prison
Guards with a team of their choice for a basketball match. They sabotage the Guards
half-time juice with 'Boing' the virility enhancement drug. They also find out that
birds descend from dinosaurs when they try to bring a bird back to life, but accidently
de-evolve it a few million years and instead of a bird, there's a T-Rex roaming the
food decks!
Episode 7 - Pete - Part 2
The Dwarfer's have already found out that Bird's descend from Dinosaurs as they try
to lure the T-Rex towards a huge Cow Vindaloo, if it doesn't eat it, Lister will scoff it.
The ships crew are awoke from their frozen state, and the Captain finds out why it's
not a good idea to sneak up from behind on a Dinosaur after it's just had a
Episode 8 - "Only The Good..."
Red Dwarf is being devoured
from within by a chameleonic microbe. The Dwarfers get set to cross into a mirror
universe, but before they do the machine that create's it breaks down, and only
Rimmer has successfully crossed through. He has to get an antidote to the virus, but
by the time he crosses back into the normal universe, everyone else has crossed into
the mirror universe. The machine then blows up and Rimmer is left alone on Red
Dwarf, the ship is engulfed in flames......